Practical Facilitation: Arts-Based methods for creative engagement
- 5 sessions, 2 hours each
- max 12 people
- $345 Early Bird Price; $395 Full Price
- Empowering through cameras: using your tool consciously
- What do photos tell us? Reading pictures
- Arts-based techniques for participatory photography and photovoice
- Creative captioning- Help your participants express
- Innovative ideas for facilitation and photo therapy techniques
- Photovoice researchers and facilitators
- Therapists and clinicians using photography and arts-based approaches
- Graduate students in semiotics, photography, and social work
- Educators and nonprofit staff
- Professional photographers
New dates coming soon!
This hands-on, interactive course teaches creative techniques and approaches for participatory photography, arts-based healing, and photovoice facilitation.
Sessions include examples, discussions, and activities that will prepare you to assist participants as they engage with their cameras.
Photography is a powerful tool, and projects benefit when participants possess the skills to take photos that convey deep meaning. With greater confidence in their photography skills, participants will strengthen their visual communication abilities and avoid frustration. Audiences in turn will gain deeper insight into participants’ experiences.

During the course, we will expand on the notion of captions and what they can look like, and learn creative techniques to make your group facilitation methods even more inclusive and accessible to non-verbal speakers, youth, and people affected by trauma. A second part of this course focuses on arts-based techniques using photos as a method of supporting self-expression in challenging environments or triggering situations. The last session of this course is dedicated to a photo-therapy activity centered on personal, inner resources.
Upon course completion, you will be prepared to successfully facilitate participatory photo-taking and arts-based activities with diverse individuals
and groups. Even long-time facilitators will become well versed in new techniques which will enhance and enrich their ongoing participatory photography and photovoice work.
The 5 sessions are:
- Session 1: Photography, creativity, and mind images
- Session 2: Understanding your camera and how to take better pictures
- Session 3: Creative captioning
- Session 4: Photo therapy: transforming photos and text for deeper understanding
- Session 5: Healing conversations: photo-art as expression of personal and community voice