By Melanie Sonsteng-Person and Jesse Van Leeuwen
Executive Summary
This White Paper outlines how a researcher and two mothers of children with medical complexities created a successful virtual photovoice project that became a safe virtual space where “medical mothers” could share their experiences and strategies. The project was born out of a need for medical mothers to navigate the daily challenges they face as primary caregivers and advocates for their children. The White Paper describes their photovoice project process from start to finish, from developing a logo and online identity, to recruitment, engaging with sensitive topics, creating a successful virtual photovoice exhibit, and engaging a virtual audience. The paper concludes with a checklist of lessons learned, to inform decision-making by other virtual photovoice projects and teams. The co-creators’ process of building trust and mutual respect among the core team, with the participating mothers, and with the medical and social services community in San Diego and beyond, is certain to inspire empathetic approaches to photovoice decision-making by future virtual projects that use photovoice to explore sensitive topics.